Tuesday 10 July 2012

Terror group letters reveal links with Pak army, plans to target India

Letters purportedly sent by the United Jehad Council, a terror group which operates out of Pakistan Occupied Kashmir, reveal elaborate plans to target India, including how militants should infiltrate and the routes they should use. They also reveal a connection with the Pakistan Army.

NDTV has access to these letters, most of which were sent out in November last year. The extent of the spread of the terror network and is apparent from these letters. One letter is addressed to the Pakistan-based terror group, Lashkar e Taiba, increasingly seen as more deadlly than even the Al Qaida. another letter is addressed to the Azad J&K Brigade of the Pakistani Army.

In detailed terror strategy, there is mention of five entry points or "launching camps" from where militants plan to infiltrate India - Hassan Forward Kahuta, Nakiyal, Khoi Ratta, Samahni and Dhali Bagh. Militants are asked in these letters to target Indian army camps, places of worship and VIPs.

In keeping with the Lashkar's shadowy modus operandi, one letter says that the terror group must not claim responsibility for any attack. Another says that the Pakistani Army must provide covering fire only if a militant unit is surrounded by the Indian army and there is exchangeof fire.  Several incdents of cease-fire violations from across the border seem to bear this out.

Militants going to Pakistan-occupied Kashmir for training are asked in a letter to ensure they return to their "launching camp" by nightfall.

The letters give an insight into what seem like deep links between the militants and the Pakistani army. They talk about the militants deciding on the level of engagement with the Army. One letter says, "The launching of militants will be conveyed to just a few army officers, but not before the actual commencement of the launching."

There also seem to differences. Purportedly addressed to a Pakistani army commander based in PoK near the Line of Control, one letter says: "The Pakistani army is not implementing the decisions made by the United Jehad Council."

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